Centre of Studies and Research

The Centre of Studies and Research is the official body and focal point within the Ministry of Health, which is responsible for implementing the Ministry of Health’s policy for promoting research culture in the health sector in Oman. It has been providing evidence-based information to decision makers and other researchers/academicians. Website of the Centre of Studies and Research Link: www.mohcsr.gov.om Roles of the Centre of Studies and Research: • Developing the Five-Year Health Research Plans, all of which have been formally integrated within the Five-Year Health Development Plans of Ministry of Health • Carrying out research to provide information for health planning, monitoring and evaluation • Setting the research policy which aims mainly to spread research culture, promote scientific approaches directed to meet the planning needs as well as commitment to standard scientific research protocol and ethical considerations to ensure high quality of research output. • Setting the research priorities since the 6th “Five-year Health Development Plan, 1996-2000” and onward. • Providing training and technical support for different activities related to research • Cooperating and coordinating with other Directorates and programs within Ministry of Health, local research bodies such as Sultan Qaboos University (SQU) particularly College of Medicine and Health Sciences, Oman Medical Specialty Board (OMSB), The Minsitry of Higher Education Research and Innovation (MOHERI), other ministries and international or regional agencies and organizations such as World Health Organization/EMRO, UNICEF, UNFPA and GCC for training and research • Supervising and coordinating regional operational research plans. • Disseminating research results for program managers, health care providers, researchers, planners and decision makers through official documented reports, workshops and publications, and to the community through mass media • Revising and updating rules and functions of the “Research and Ethical Review & Approve Committee (RERAC)” as well as guidelines and forms for proposal writing • Reviewing proposals submitted to the “Research and Ethical Review & Approve Committee (RERAC)” to ensure the highest scientific and ethical standards in research • Providing financial support through research grants for research projects that are directed towards the health research priorities identified by the Ministry of Health • Encouraging scientific research and motivating researchers at the Ministry of Health through the adoption of research awards to support research excellence
Systems Research Section Perform health systems research and the standards, coverage and the utilization of the health service. Epidemiological Research Section Perform research on the incidence prevalence and dynamics of disease in the community. Clinical Research Section Responsible for clinical research in hospitals and health centers and other units. Health Surveys Section Implements the health surveys required for the different studies and research projects.
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Services Provided
Health Studies and Research Approval Committee
Health Studies and Research Approval Committee
An online system is provided to submit request for studies and obtaining ethical permissions. Principal investigators who would like to conduct research within Minsitry of Health can submit a research protocol (Form) with a detailed description of your proposed study designed to investigate a given problem. It is intended to convince others that your research project is worthwhile, that you have the competency to execute and a solid work plan to complete the project. This form should fill by the researcher and then submit to research committee to review and approve it before starting the study.
Read MoreResearch Funding
Research Funding
The Center is responsible to manage funding received for research. Fundings are currently received from funding programs sponsored by the Ministry of Higher Education , Research and Innovation (MOHERI), external funding bodies from organizations, private companies and sponsored donation for research,
Read MoreProjects
Health Vision 2050
Health Vision 2050 is a statement of what we want to achieve, where we want to be, what we would be doing and who we want to be in the Health Sector of Oman by the year 2050. To accomplish this we are evaluating our past, reviewing the present and making predictions for the future so that we can propose strategic plans to realize this vision.
Patient Satisfaction about Health Services
A study to evaluate patient satisfaction about the health service in the Sultanate.
Research on factors for treatment abroad
A study to indentify the reasons of treatment abroad.
About Us

Systems Research Section Perform health systems research and the standards, coverage and the utilization of the health service. Epidemiological Research Section Perform research on the incidence prevalence and dynamics of disease in the community. Clinical Research Section Responsible for clinical research in hospitals and health centers and other units. Health Surveys Section Implements the health surveys required for the different studies and research projects.
Read MoreOngoing Projects
Health Vision 2050
Health Vision 2050 is a statement of what we want to achieve, where we want to be, what we would be doing and who we want to be in the Health Sector of Oman by the year 2050. To accomplish this we are evaluating our past, reviewing the present and making predictions for the future so that we can propose strategic plans to realize this vision.
Future Projects
Patient Satisfaction about Health Services
A study to evaluate patient satisfaction about the health service in the Sultanate.
Research on factors for treatment abroad
A study to indentify the reasons of treatment abroad.
Services List
Health Studies and Research Approval Committee
Health Studies and Research Approval Committee
An online system is provided to submit request for studies and obtaining ethical permissions. Principal investigators who would like to conduct research within Minsitry of Health can submit a research protocol (Form) with a detailed description of your proposed study designed to investigate a given problem. It is intended to convince others that your research project is worthwhile, that you have the competency to execute and a solid work plan to complete the project. This form should fill by the researcher and then submit to research committee to review and approve it before starting the study.
Read MoreResearch Funding
Research Funding
The Center is responsible to manage funding received for research. Fundings are currently received from funding programs sponsored by the Ministry of Higher Education , Research and Innovation (MOHERI), external funding bodies from organizations, private companies and sponsored donation for research,
Read MoreContent Resources
Health Research Priorities – 2nd Edition
the 2nd edition lists dynamically the priorities of health research based on feasibility in each governorate of Oman and is an indicative practical guide for all health researchers. We wish health researchers in the Ministry of Health, other public healthcare providers, the private sector and academic institutions to make use of this booklet to direct their research to contribute to the development of health services and health status of the people.
Research Proposal Guideline
The “Ministry of Health Research Proposal Guideline” is one more in a series of information that is designed to add some more impetus to the system and process of administrative management of research activities within the Ministry. It is designed to guide the researcher through the myriad of explanations and answers that are required for compiling the research proposal form for submission to the Research and Ethical Review & Approval Committee (RERAC) and regional research committees
Guidelines for Responsible Conduct of Clinical Studies and Trials
This is the first edition of the Guidelines for Responsible Conduct of Clinical Studies and Trials. The guideline advocates and describes the best practice in research for researchers and institutions, promotes integrity in research and explains what is expected from researchers, and assists researchers, administrators and the community on how to manage breaches from best research practice. It is addressed not only to researchers, but also to ethics review committees, investigational institutes, pharmaceutical manufacturers, sponsors of research drug regulatory authorities, the general public and those who have interest in clinical trials in Oman. This guideline not only serves the interests of the parties actively involved in the research process, but also protects the rights and safety of subjects, including patients, and ensures the investigations are directed to the advancement of public objectives of citizens. This document provides information on how to manage research data and materials; ethics on how to publish and disseminate research findings (including proper attribution of authorship); obligations in peer review; and how to manage conflicts of interest. It is based on international standards but with an Islamic perspective and is a first time initiative by the Ministry of Health. Future revisions will take into consideration the evolving research guidelines and standards that are suitable to the situation and context in Oman.
No Information Available At The Moment
Contact Numbers and Locations
Al-Khuwair Ministry of Health, Head Quarter, Main Building, Ground Floor Email: centre.s.r2017@gmail.com website link: www.mohcsr.gov.om