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Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Center for  Disease Control and Prevention
Dr. Amal Saif Al Maani
Director General of the Center for Disease Surveillance and Control
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention is one of the main pillars of public health in the Sultanate of Oman. The Center is entrusted with strategic planning, developing training programs and manuals on public health related topics, conducting field researches and working in partnership with research institutions within and outside the Sultanate. The Center consists of five Departments; Infection Prevention & Control, Communicable Disease Surveillance, Central Public Health Laboratories, Environmental & Occupational Health and Surveillance Department. This Directorate acts as the national point of reference on the issues referred above and the Directorate is responsible for the development and training of health workers in all health institutions in the Sultanate.


Services Provided

1. Conducting epidemiological studies on the spread of diseases in the Sultanate.

1. Conducting epidemiological studies on the spread of diseases in the Sultanate.

The objective of this study is to estimate the cause and extent of spread of infectious diseases at national level or at regional level. Epidemiologists help with study design, collection, and statistical analysis of data, and interpretation and dissemination of results in accordance with the laid frameworks and regulations.

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2.Monitoring, control and surveillance of communicable diseases and prevention programs.

2.Monitoring, control and surveillance of communicable diseases and prevention programs.

Infectious diseases whether caused by virus, bacteria or parasites, the country has a set of specific plans and programs that aim to monitor these diseases. With its applications and Sultanate manages to eliminate some of these diseases, to bring some of them under control in accordance with international indicators.

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Formulation of a national strategy for Infection Prevention & Control

The strategy aims to lay the foundation the practice for Infection Prevention at Health Institutions

Start Date : 01 January 2015
Estimated Months : 18
Formulation of a national strategy for medical waste.

The strategy aims to create controls and conditions for the disposal of waste in the Health Institutions, whether public or toxic waste or plague spot waste

Start Date : 01 May 2015
Estimated Months : 8
Formulation of the national strategy for responding to pandemics and outbreaks

The aim is outbreak preparedness and response plans for outbreaks, whether in Health Institutions or the community in cooperation with the competent authorities in the public and private sector

Start Date : 01 March 2015
Estimated Months : 12
Surgical Antimicrobial Prophylaxis

The project aims to evaluate the use of antibiotics before surgery

Start Date : 01 March 2015
Estimated Months : 7
National Epidemiological Surveillance plan

The project aims to create a national system of epidemiological surveillance and necessary plans to address the all epidemiological concepts.

Start Date : 01 February 2015
Estimated Months : 11
Construction of the new Central public health laboratory.

The aim to build an Integrated Public Health Laboratory following the international standards and cover all core disciplines of Public Health

Start Date : 01 May 2016
Estimated Months : 48
Development of Travel Medicine Service

The aims to create travel medicine service at Primary Health Care Level and referral hospitals and provide necessary vaccines, medicines and advise to travelers

Start Date : 01 May 2016
Estimated Months : 12
Develop biological safety laboratory Level 3 (BSL3).

This laboratory provides highest safety level in testing bacteria and viruses infections

Start Date : 01 December 2015
Estimated Months : 12
National Toxicology Center

The center aims to educate healthworkers in the Sultanate about toxins diseases.

Start Date : 01 September 2015
Estimated Months : 24

About Us

Ongoing Projects

Formulation of a national strategy for Infection Prevention & Control

The strategy aims to lay the foundation the practice for Infection Prevention at Health Institutions

Start Date : 01 January 2015
Estimated Months : 18
Formulation of a national strategy for medical waste.

The strategy aims to create controls and conditions for the disposal of waste in the Health Institutions, whether public or toxic waste or plague spot waste

Start Date : 01 May 2015
Estimated Months : 8
Formulation of the national strategy for responding to pandemics and outbreaks

The aim is outbreak preparedness and response plans for outbreaks, whether in Health Institutions or the community in cooperation with the competent authorities in the public and private sector

Start Date : 01 March 2015
Estimated Months : 12
Surgical Antimicrobial Prophylaxis

The project aims to evaluate the use of antibiotics before surgery

Start Date : 01 March 2015
Estimated Months : 7
National Epidemiological Surveillance plan

The project aims to create a national system of epidemiological surveillance and necessary plans to address the all epidemiological concepts.

Start Date : 01 February 2015
Estimated Months : 11

Future Projects

Construction of the new Central public health laboratory.

The aim to build an Integrated Public Health Laboratory following the international standards and cover all core disciplines of Public Health

Start Date : 01 May 2016
Estimated Months : 48
Development of Travel Medicine Service

The aims to create travel medicine service at Primary Health Care Level and referral hospitals and provide necessary vaccines, medicines and advise to travelers

Start Date : 01 May 2016
Estimated Months : 12
Develop biological safety laboratory Level 3 (BSL3).

This laboratory provides highest safety level in testing bacteria and viruses infections

Start Date : 01 December 2015
Estimated Months : 12
National Toxicology Center

The center aims to educate healthworkers in the Sultanate about toxins diseases.

Start Date : 01 September 2015
Estimated Months : 24

Services List

1. Conducting epidemiological studies on the spread of diseases in the Sultanate.

1. Conducting epidemiological studies on the spread of diseases in the Sultanate.

The objective of this study is to estimate the cause and extent of spread of infectious diseases at national level or at regional level. Epidemiologists help with study design, collection, and statistical analysis of data, and interpretation and dissemination of results in accordance with the laid frameworks and regulations.

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2.Monitoring, control and surveillance of communicable diseases and prevention programs.

2.Monitoring, control and surveillance of communicable diseases and prevention programs.

Infectious diseases whether caused by virus, bacteria or parasites, the country has a set of specific plans and programs that aim to monitor these diseases. With its applications and Sultanate manages to eliminate some of these diseases, to bring some of them under control in accordance with international indicators.

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Content Resources

Travel Medical Service of health Care workers

Fatwa communicable diseases

Fatwa on How to deal with those who die of a communicable disease

National Ebola preparedness plan

response; surveillance, laboratory diagnosis, infection prevention and control, clinical management and risk communication. All measures are presented in Algorithms

MOH Code of Practice for Infection Prevention and Control

This Code of practice for the MoH health care facilities aims to insure that IP&C services are implemented and delivered following evidence-based standards and practices and are uniform throughout our institutes. Infection prevention is vital to ensure that people who use different services provided by MoH receives safe and effective care.

National preparedness and response plan for MERS-CoV

emphasis on the five pillars for preparedness and National ebola preparedness plan: includes all standard measures to deal with clinically suspected ebola case (reporting, isolation, clinical examination and treatment) in addition to sampling techniques and laboratory diagnosis with stress on infection prevention and control measures. All measures are presented in Algorithms

HIV management in Oman

A guide for healthcare workers: this manual is aimed towards epidemiologist, counselor, physicians, pediatricians, obestetricians, nurses, laboratory and pharmacy personnel who are involved in HIV response in Oman

National Surgical Antimicrobial Prophylaxis Guideline

The Guidelines aim at establishing a specific rule on the use of Perioperative Antibiotics Prophylaxis regarding the administration of doses timing, quantity, and types and generalize it to all Governmental and Private Health Establishments.

Infection Prevention & Control Program

This policy is for the Central department of Infection Prevention & Control (CDIPC) and Central Infection Prevention and Control Committee (CIPCC) on the process of Infection Prevention and Control Program

National Antimicrobial Guidelines

The national antimicrobial guidelines provide guidance for clinicians in the Ministry of Health and other healthcare settings for the empirical and targeted antimicrobial therapy of various infectious syndromes. Treatment guidelines for pediatric and adult patients are included. The users of these guidelines should seek experts in antimicrobials such as infectious disease physicians, medical microbiologists and clinical pharmacists in order to optimize antimicrobial use in various healthcare settings.

Guide to Public Health Preparedness & Response in Humanitarian Crisis

This document is intended to be used by the policy makers, public health professionals, health administrators, health emergency response teams and other relevant ministries, agencies, departments and organizations involved in such emergency situation.

Communicable Diseases Manual

This manual is designed to provide general guidance on surveillance and public health response for the priority communicable diseases in Oman and is primarily aimed at the health care professionals at all levels of healthcare including the private sector.

Oman Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System

Annual Report 2017

Public Health Bulletin

The quarterly ‘Public Health Bulletin’ is the official publication reporting the progress and the activities of the departments under the office of Directorate General for Disease Surveillance and Control (DGDSC) and it also includes the quarterly disease surveillance data . This bulletin is an in-house publication of the DGDSC providing pertinent information to all the health care staff in the Ministry of Health, other health organizations, private health establishments, other sectors, the GCC and the WHO-EMRO.

National Strategic Plan for TB Elimination 2021 - 2025

This strategic framework, which was launched on 24 March 2021, offers a coherent approach for eliminating tuberculosis (TB) in Oman which is a low-incidence country. It is designed to guide those responsible for technical aspects of the national TB response in accelerating efforts towards elimination. The document will also be informative for public health surveillance officers, practitioners and nongovernmental and civil society partners working on national TB care and prevention.

TB referral system: نظام تحويل مرضى السل بين المؤسسات الصحية

هونظام فعال لمقدمي الخدمات الصحية لتتبع تحويل مرضى السل بين مؤسسات الرعاية الصحية الاولية و الثانوية و الثالثية اضافة الى المؤسسات غير التابعة لوزارة الصحة و لمؤسسات الخاصة و كذلك من مراكز فحص اللياقة ويشمل : معاييرالإحالة ،واجراءات تحويل المرضى، وذلك بغرض تسهيل التواصل بين جميع المؤسسات الصحية الحكومية والخاصة المشاركة في رعاية المريض.

M&E framework اطار المتابعة والتقييم لبرنامج السل

هو نظام موحد لمراقبة برنامج السل لجميع المؤسسات الصحية الحكومية والخاصة يشمل مؤشرات لقياس الأداء لتحسين جودة الخدمة وتحقيق الأهداف في إطار استراتيجية القضاء على السل.

National TB Manual 2022

Since the first edition in 1988, the National TB Manual has been revised several times, until the fourth edition which was published in April 2007. After the launching of the National TB Elimination Strategy in 24th of March 2021, which articulates on prevention, diagnosis, treatment, community and scientific research promotion; the National TB manual was updated and the fifth edition was released in October 6th 2022. This version included updates in prevention, diagnosis, treatment, monitoring and evaluation in order to standardize and improve the quality of the services for TB in Oman in all health institutes at government and private.

Laboratory Services Handbook

The purpose of this manual is to give a broad overview of the laboratory facilities available within the Central Public Health Laboratory. Detailed guidelines are given for suitable specimens for each test along with the specimen collection, storage and transportation conditions. We are sure that this manual will be a useful and a handy reference to all health institutions in Oman.

The Omani Antibiotic Resistance Surveillance System (OMASS) 2022

Antibiotic resistance is one of the biggest public health challenges globally. The Omani Antibiotic Resistance Surveillance System (OMASS) comes as a part of the national efforts to combat this phenomenon in the Sultanate of Oman. The system aims to monitor patterns of antibiotic resistance among different pathogens, and collect and analyze data to support health and treatment policies.

The Omani Antibiotic Resistance Surveillance System (OMASS) 2023

Antibiotic resistance is one of the biggest public health challenges globally. The Omani Antibiotic Resistance Surveillance System (OMASS) comes as a part of the national efforts to combat this phenomenon in the Sultanate of Oman. The system aims to monitor patterns of antibiotic resistance among different pathogens, and collect and analyze data to support health and treatment policies.

National Antimicrobial Stewardship Policy

A coordinated set of strategies to optimize the use of antimicrobial agents to improve patient outcomes, reduce microbial resistance, and decrease unnecessary costs associated with antimicrobial use.

No Information Available At The Moment

Contact Numbers and Locations


Directorate General for Disease Surveillance & Control (DGDSC) building is located near the main building of Ministry of Health in Al –Khuwair

Opening Hours

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Open Now Closes 2:30 PM - Show working hours
7:30 AM-2:30 PM
7:30 AM-2:30 PM
7:30 AM-2:30 PM
7:30 AM-2:30 PM
7:30 AM-2:30 PM

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