Directorate General of Planning

The Directorate General of Planning (DGP) is one of the main pillars of the Ministry of Health (MOH) and it is affiliated to the Secretariat of Planning Affairs. In fact the DGP is considered as the cornerstone of the MOH in issues pertinent to the strategic planning of the health care delivery and services provision. It encompasses several directorate and sections that deal with planning; research, surveys and studies; health information and statistics; in addition to the complementary role of monitoring, follow-up and evaluation. All these culminates in shaping and supporting the decision making process. The vital role played by the Directorate General necessitates the establishment of a designated Center for Research and Studies to generate and provide solid-based evidences for better informed decision as well as to support the delivery of quality health care. The DGP is committed to advancement of work in the health field through its planning directorates which are present in all governorates of the Sultanate of Oman. All planning directorates at governorate level have well qualified, dedicated and committed health personnel working in partnership and collaboration with the other directorates and sections of the Directorate General of Health Affairs. They work in the spirit of teamwork and provide valuable support, advice, insights and information to assist in the provision of the highest quality health services inspired by the motivation, deep faith and firm belief of the importance of working together to achieve the desired results and reach the common goals. The significant role played by the Directorate General of Planning as well as its strengths much depend on the collective efforts of all the staff, which is undoubtedly has be reflected in nature of the activities performed and supervised by the Directorate General for instance: - The Health Vision 2050 - The Health Atlas - The guideline for the preparation of the10th five-year health development plan 2021 – 2025 - The 10th five-year health development plan 2021 – 2025 - The monitoring and evaluation guideline for the 10th five-year health development plan 2021 – 2025 - Health research guideline - Financing of research guideline - The overall supervision and guidance of the development of the 10th five-year health development plan 2021 – 2025 including the training on result-based management and planning. It is worth mentioning that the new organizational structure of the Directorate General of Planning included some departments and sections to keep pace and momentum with future needs and new dimensions of the health system. In addition, the direct affiliation of the planning directorates at governorate level to DGP will add more strength for easy and better communication, saving time, immediate follow-up; and quick actions that will enhance the performance as well as improve the quality and efficiency of the work and results without compromising the principle of true cooperation and partnership with all Directorate Generals of Health Affairs at governorate level to achieve the desired MOH goals.
Achieving the health status of society to the best extent by providing high-quality care at all levels
Read MoreHistory
The planning departments in the governorates work to achieve the same goals as the General Directorate of Planning at the governorate level by providing their services through the Planning and Follow-up Department - the Statistics and Information Management Department and the Studies and Research Department. The planning departments are considered the primary reference for all statistics, consultations and studies for decision makers in the general directorates of health services in the governorates, and they have general competencies and detailed competencies for their affiliated departments. General specializations:- Preparing and implementing the department’s annual plan in light of its approved competencies and in a manner that achieves the department’s objectives. Follow up on the implementation of plans and work programs to identify any bottlenecks, difficulties or obstacles encountered in the work and seek to remove or solve them. Evaluating business and program results with the aim of developing plans, programs and policies to achieve the best results Collecting and compiling statistical data and information about the work of the Directorate, its institutions, and its employees, classifying it according to statistical programs, reporting it to the competent authorities in the Ministry, and saving it for reference when needed. Preparing the Directorate’s work manual in coordination with other departments and divisions and disseminating it to the concerned authorities in the Ministry’s General Office. Study the work and competencies practiced by the departments and divisions of the directorate and its institutions in cooperation with the governorate’s Information Technology Department, and identify applications that can be automated within the framework of an integrated system, and implement them in accordance with a work plan and clear implementation priorities. Managing health information in institutions affiliated with the governorates and maintaining their medical records according to the approved decisions in the computer system for each level of health care. Department of Information and Statistics Health information witnessed a qualitative boom during the years of health development, especially after 1990, when a planning agency was established in the Ministry in 1991, accompanied by the establishment of a Department of Information and Statistics, where information and statistics departments were created in the governorates to serve the policy of decentralizing health services, and this was accompanied by a steady increase in the number of statisticians. Health information has also witnessed qualitative and quantitative development in terms of periodic information that is collected, audited, and documented annually in cooperation with various health departments, whether at the central level, health governorates, or other sectors related to health. It is worth noting that the statistical system for health information has received praise from the World Health Organization. 2007. The Ministry, represented by the Department of Information and Statistics, issues the annual health report, which contains 10 chapters presenting the most important data on the use of health services, the workforce, education and training, expenses and projects, data on those admitted to Ministry of Health institutions, and data from other government health institutions and private sector institutions. It also contains An appendix presents some data from surveys and studies conducted at the Ministry of Health and presents the Millennium Development Goals. In addition to issuing health facts that display the most important health results and indicators in the annual health report, and health facts on births and deaths. The Department of Information and Statistics also updates the report on the core indicators of the World Health Organization, as the World Health Organization sends a list of indicators (Core indicators) annually to be reviewed and updated electronically on the organization’s website. In addition to providing the National Center for Statistics and Information Department of Geographic Health Information Geographic Information Systems is the technology used to collect, enter, process, and analyze spatial data and manage a huge amount of data at the same time and display it in the form of maps, health reports, or graphs. The idea of geographic information systems is to classify features on the Earth It is divided into several types, each type is represented in a separate layer. For example, the road network layer, the land parcels layer, the buildings layer, the contour lines, elevations and levels layer, the residential areas and neighborhoods layer, the service features layer, the coastline layer, as well as for the rest of the features represented in infrastructure services such as water, electricity, telephone, sanitation, and others. Center for Studies and Research Vision: For the Sultanate of Oman to be a pioneer and center for health research with international standards for a healthy society. message: Promoting, facilitating and implementing high-quality health research in Oman directed at national health priorities to improve health care services, stimulate the efficiency and impact of the health system, reduce health inequalities and contribute to social and economic development. Planning Department A central department affiliated with the General Directorate of Planning follows up on the preparation and implementation of the annual plans of the departments in light of their approved competencies and in a manner that achieves the goals of the Directorate. It has the largest role in managing the process of setting national health policies to ensure their harmony and harmony with the social and economic development policy of the Sultanate and managing the process of translating the national health policy into health strategies and programs through preparing, reviewing and approving five-year health plans. Department of Health Economics This department implements the health accounts system in cooperation with relevant authorities in other ministries. By establishing a database of health services costs and submitting an annual report on the flow of financial resources in the health system for decision makers to amend and update national policies. And also training and developing the workforce in this field to use the methods and tools used in health economics
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Services Provided
Births & Deaths Notification Facts
Births & Deaths Notification Facts
BIRTH & DEATH NOTIFICATION FACTS is published annually from Information and statistics Directorate, extracted from Births & Deaths Notification System. These facts includes the main indicators based on that NOTIFICATION, which reflecting the population estimation and biostatistics indicators.
Read MoreAnnual Health Report
Annual Health Report
Annual health report published annually from Directorate General of Planning & Studies- Department of Information & Statistics, contains comprehensive statistics and indicators about demographic situation, distribution and utilization of health services, human resources, and morbidity and mortality indicators.
Read MoreView Health Indicators in the form of geographical maps
Health Facts
Health Facts
Health facts are published annually from Directorate General of Planning & Studies- Department of Information & Statistics. It summarizes the main Health indicators Of Sultanate of Oman among last three year, containing biostatistics indicators, Manpower, utilization of health services and Health expenditures.
Read MoreMonitoring and Evaluation of the five year health plan
Monitoring and Evaluation of the five year health plan
Forms used to monitor the progress of the five year plan health domains
Read MoreResearch Proposal Form
Research Proposal Form
The research protocol (Form) that should be submit by the researcher, is a detailed description of your proposed study designed to investigate a given problem. It is intended to convince others that your re-search project is worthwhile, that you have the competency to execute and a solid work plan to complete the project. This form should fill by the researcher and then submit to research committee to re-view and approve it before starting the study.
Read MoreProjects
Synopsis of Strategic (Volume I)
Synopsis of Strategic Studies associated with the future vision of the health system 2050, this edition focus and 24 strategic study which were accompanied in vision for 2050, a number of working papers of this strategy include analyzing information's and studies that necessary for all health workers and decision makers. The first volume focus on eight studies which are the most important includes:- Human resources for health - primary health care - health care quality –non communicable diseases - health promotion - nutrition – elderly care medical technology.
The eleventh five-year plan (2026-2030) for health development
The “Eleventh Five-Year Plan (2026-2030) for Health Development” project is the second implementation plan for the health priority in Oman Vision 2040, which aims to improve and develop the health system during the period from 2026 to 2030. The plan seeks to enhance the quality of health care and improve the infrastructure of health facilities, and expanding access to health services, while paying attention to achieving justice in the distribution of services among different groups and regions. The plan also aims to enhance the capabilities of medical personnel, adopt modern technologies, and raise the level of disease prevention. This is to achieve strategic directions that aim to improve citizens’ health and achieve sustainable development in the health sector.
Health Atlas Document-Volume one
Issuing includes expectations and future projections for the population and the needs of the health services, and medical and uses those services and human resources for health at the national level is divided at the provincial level it has been displayed on maps by geographic health information system, which describes the evolution of those needs over the coming years until 2050. It will be covered by visions and information used in the 2050 vision, and the accompanying Strategic Studies and Health Atlas as a basis for building and directing the next five-year plans for health development.
Digital guide for indexing government services
The project to update the information of the digital directory for indexing government services aims to improve and develop the government services database by updating its information. The project is being implemented in cooperation with the General Directorate of Information Technology and Digital Health, with the aim of facilitating access to services and enhancing their digital efficiency to better serve citizens and residents.
Health care model
The Ministry seeks to develop the health care model with the aim of improving the quality of health services and achieving comprehensive and sustainable health coverage. The Ministry has used international expertise to evaluate the current health care model, monitor gaps and challenges, and propose recommendations that will develop the health care model and enhance the quality of health services to achieve the desired goals and to reach an Omani community that enjoys sustainable health through a pioneering health system with international standards. A steering committee was formed headed by His Excellency Dr. Undersecretary for Health Planning and Organization to follow up on the implementation of recommendations for developing the health care model. In addition, five technical teams were formed to draw a road map and develop initiatives, projects and technologies to develop Health care model
Applying standards for measuring health human resource needs
Completing the work on developing and applying standards for measuring health human resource needs, which work began in 2017 and will continue in the coming period
National health policy
The official announcement and launch of the national health policy, and preparation for it will begin at the beginning of the year 2025
Oman Health System Observatory
Preparing to establish the Oman Health System Observatory, which will begin work in 2025
Health Atlas Document-Volume two
This work is ongoing.
Annual Health Report 2024
This work is ongoing.
Health Project in the Sultanate of Oman in 2040
This work is ongoing.
Modernization Project of Health Polices and Strategies
This work is ongoing.
Project to establish the National System of Health Accounts
This work is ongoing.
About Us
Last updated on : 06 March 2025 - 09:32 AM

Achieving the health status of society to the best extent by providing high-quality care at all levels
Read MoreHistory
The planning departments in the governorates work to achieve the same goals as the General Directorate of Planning at the governorate level by providing their services through the Planning and Follow-up Department - the Statistics and Information Management Department and the Studies and Research Department. The planning departments are considered the primary reference for all statistics, consultations and studies for decision makers in the general directorates of health services in the governorates, and they have general competencies and detailed competencies for their affiliated departments. General specializations:- Preparing and implementing the department’s annual plan in light of its approved competencies and in a manner that achieves the department’s objectives. Follow up on the implementation of plans and work programs to identify any bottlenecks, difficulties or obstacles encountered in the work and seek to remove or solve them. Evaluating business and program results with the aim of developing plans, programs and policies to achieve the best results Collecting and compiling statistical data and information about the work of the Directorate, its institutions, and its employees, classifying it according to statistical programs, reporting it to the competent authorities in the Ministry, and saving it for reference when needed. Preparing the Directorate’s work manual in coordination with other departments and divisions and disseminating it to the concerned authorities in the Ministry’s General Office. Study the work and competencies practiced by the departments and divisions of the directorate and its institutions in cooperation with the governorate’s Information Technology Department, and identify applications that can be automated within the framework of an integrated system, and implement them in accordance with a work plan and clear implementation priorities. Managing health information in institutions affiliated with the governorates and maintaining their medical records according to the approved decisions in the computer system for each level of health care. Department of Information and Statistics Health information witnessed a qualitative boom during the years of health development, especially after 1990, when a planning agency was established in the Ministry in 1991, accompanied by the establishment of a Department of Information and Statistics, where information and statistics departments were created in the governorates to serve the policy of decentralizing health services, and this was accompanied by a steady increase in the number of statisticians. Health information has also witnessed qualitative and quantitative development in terms of periodic information that is collected, audited, and documented annually in cooperation with various health departments, whether at the central level, health governorates, or other sectors related to health. It is worth noting that the statistical system for health information has received praise from the World Health Organization. 2007. The Ministry, represented by the Department of Information and Statistics, issues the annual health report, which contains 10 chapters presenting the most important data on the use of health services, the workforce, education and training, expenses and projects, data on those admitted to Ministry of Health institutions, and data from other government health institutions and private sector institutions. It also contains An appendix presents some data from surveys and studies conducted at the Ministry of Health and presents the Millennium Development Goals. In addition to issuing health facts that display the most important health results and indicators in the annual health report, and health facts on births and deaths. The Department of Information and Statistics also updates the report on the core indicators of the World Health Organization, as the World Health Organization sends a list of indicators (Core indicators) annually to be reviewed and updated electronically on the organization’s website. In addition to providing the National Center for Statistics and Information Department of Geographic Health Information Geographic Information Systems is the technology used to collect, enter, process, and analyze spatial data and manage a huge amount of data at the same time and display it in the form of maps, health reports, or graphs. The idea of geographic information systems is to classify features on the Earth It is divided into several types, each type is represented in a separate layer. For example, the road network layer, the land parcels layer, the buildings layer, the contour lines, elevations and levels layer, the residential areas and neighborhoods layer, the service features layer, the coastline layer, as well as for the rest of the features represented in infrastructure services such as water, electricity, telephone, sanitation, and others. Center for Studies and Research Vision: For the Sultanate of Oman to be a pioneer and center for health research with international standards for a healthy society. message: Promoting, facilitating and implementing high-quality health research in Oman directed at national health priorities to improve health care services, stimulate the efficiency and impact of the health system, reduce health inequalities and contribute to social and economic development. Planning Department A central department affiliated with the General Directorate of Planning follows up on the preparation and implementation of the annual plans of the departments in light of their approved competencies and in a manner that achieves the goals of the Directorate. It has the largest role in managing the process of setting national health policies to ensure their harmony and harmony with the social and economic development policy of the Sultanate and managing the process of translating the national health policy into health strategies and programs through preparing, reviewing and approving five-year health plans. Department of Health Economics This department implements the health accounts system in cooperation with relevant authorities in other ministries. By establishing a database of health services costs and submitting an annual report on the flow of financial resources in the health system for decision makers to amend and update national policies. And also training and developing the workforce in this field to use the methods and tools used in health economics
Read MoreOngoing Projects
Synopsis of Strategic (Volume I)
Synopsis of Strategic Studies associated with the future vision of the health system 2050, this edition focus and 24 strategic study which were accompanied in vision for 2050, a number of working papers of this strategy include analyzing information's and studies that necessary for all health workers and decision makers. The first volume focus on eight studies which are the most important includes:- Human resources for health - primary health care - health care quality –non communicable diseases - health promotion - nutrition – elderly care medical technology.
The eleventh five-year plan (2026-2030) for health development
The “Eleventh Five-Year Plan (2026-2030) for Health Development” project is the second implementation plan for the health priority in Oman Vision 2040, which aims to improve and develop the health system during the period from 2026 to 2030. The plan seeks to enhance the quality of health care and improve the infrastructure of health facilities, and expanding access to health services, while paying attention to achieving justice in the distribution of services among different groups and regions. The plan also aims to enhance the capabilities of medical personnel, adopt modern technologies, and raise the level of disease prevention. This is to achieve strategic directions that aim to improve citizens’ health and achieve sustainable development in the health sector.
Health Atlas Document-Volume one
Issuing includes expectations and future projections for the population and the needs of the health services, and medical and uses those services and human resources for health at the national level is divided at the provincial level it has been displayed on maps by geographic health information system, which describes the evolution of those needs over the coming years until 2050. It will be covered by visions and information used in the 2050 vision, and the accompanying Strategic Studies and Health Atlas as a basis for building and directing the next five-year plans for health development.
Digital guide for indexing government services
The project to update the information of the digital directory for indexing government services aims to improve and develop the government services database by updating its information. The project is being implemented in cooperation with the General Directorate of Information Technology and Digital Health, with the aim of facilitating access to services and enhancing their digital efficiency to better serve citizens and residents.
Health care model
The Ministry seeks to develop the health care model with the aim of improving the quality of health services and achieving comprehensive and sustainable health coverage. The Ministry has used international expertise to evaluate the current health care model, monitor gaps and challenges, and propose recommendations that will develop the health care model and enhance the quality of health services to achieve the desired goals and to reach an Omani community that enjoys sustainable health through a pioneering health system with international standards. A steering committee was formed headed by His Excellency Dr. Undersecretary for Health Planning and Organization to follow up on the implementation of recommendations for developing the health care model. In addition, five technical teams were formed to draw a road map and develop initiatives, projects and technologies to develop Health care model
Applying standards for measuring health human resource needs
Completing the work on developing and applying standards for measuring health human resource needs, which work began in 2017 and will continue in the coming period
National health policy
The official announcement and launch of the national health policy, and preparation for it will begin at the beginning of the year 2025
Oman Health System Observatory
Preparing to establish the Oman Health System Observatory, which will begin work in 2025
Future Projects
Health Atlas Document-Volume two
This work is ongoing.
Annual Health Report 2024
This work is ongoing.
Health Project in the Sultanate of Oman in 2040
This work is ongoing.
Modernization Project of Health Polices and Strategies
This work is ongoing.
Project to establish the National System of Health Accounts
This work is ongoing.
Services List
Births & Deaths Notification Facts
Births & Deaths Notification Facts
BIRTH & DEATH NOTIFICATION FACTS is published annually from Information and statistics Directorate, extracted from Births & Deaths Notification System. These facts includes the main indicators based on that NOTIFICATION, which reflecting the population estimation and biostatistics indicators.
Read MoreAnnual Health Report
Annual Health Report
Annual health report published annually from Directorate General of Planning & Studies- Department of Information & Statistics, contains comprehensive statistics and indicators about demographic situation, distribution and utilization of health services, human resources, and morbidity and mortality indicators.
Read MoreView Health Indicators in the form of geographical maps
Health Facts
Health Facts
Health facts are published annually from Directorate General of Planning & Studies- Department of Information & Statistics. It summarizes the main Health indicators Of Sultanate of Oman among last three year, containing biostatistics indicators, Manpower, utilization of health services and Health expenditures.
Read MoreMonitoring and Evaluation of the five year health plan
Monitoring and Evaluation of the five year health plan
Forms used to monitor the progress of the five year plan health domains
Read MoreResearch Proposal Form
Research Proposal Form
The research protocol (Form) that should be submit by the researcher, is a detailed description of your proposed study designed to investigate a given problem. It is intended to convince others that your re-search project is worthwhile, that you have the competency to execute and a solid work plan to complete the project. This form should fill by the researcher and then submit to research committee to re-view and approve it before starting the study.
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Health Vision 2050
"Health Vision 2050" is an attempt to visualize how we would like our health system to be in future until the year 2050. Predicting the future of health care delivery can be fraught with uncertainty and risk, especially with the number of determinants that affect health care: demographic, political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal. Health Vision 2050 describes the vision for health system development over the coming 40 Years. It provides a review of the current health system in Oman as the basis for the development of a long-term health vision for 2050. The aim of Health Vision 2050 is for the Omani people to live healthy and productive lives, through the establishment of a well-organized, grounded by societal values of equity and social justice.
Synopsis of Strategic Studies,, Health Vision 2050
The current volume compiles synopsis of 8 strategic studies; namely “Human Resources for Health”, “Primary Health Care”, “Health Care Quality”, “Non-Communicable Diseases”, “Health Promotion”, “Nutrition”, “Elderly Health Care” and “Medical Technology” . The information and analysis contained theses strategic studies are intended to complement the “Health Vision 2050” main document and the “Health Atlas” and will act as resource studies for developing the coming Five-Year Health Development Plans
Health Atlas
The Health Atlas is a scientific instrument developed from “Health Vision 2050” to provide health planners and decision makers with various studies and scientific data that are accessible when executing the long-term health vision plan. The Health Atlas also shows the number of healthcare institutes in the various Governorates of Oman and provides an estimate of the number of needed workforce or human resources required to match the developmental pace of the health of the country to compare favorably with those in developed countries. The Atlas also provides a glimpse into some of the major medical equipment needed to provide advanced and state-of-the-art health care.
Ninth Five Year Plan
“Health Vision 2050” is developed to visualize how the health system in Oman would look like in the future and until the year 2050. Predicting the future of health care delivery can be fraught with uncertainty and risk. It was, thus, necessary to analyze extensively the status of the Omani health system, the morbidity and mortality in the population, the challenges facing the health system and the expected future developments and changes in the population including macro-social and macro-economic changes. Extensive efforts were made to analyze the status of the health system and the surrounding circumstance in which the health system functions. Ministries and organizations related to health including the Parliament and State Council prepared working papers and a number of national workshops were conducted to discuss and describe views on the current and probable future determinants of health outcomes. “Health Vision 2050”, the working papers and the strategic studies include enormous information and analysis of health status and health system as well as actions for future improvements in health status and enhancing performance of health system.
Policy and Strategy Development Guideline with Health Lens
There is an increasing national and global awareness of the need to complement any care service with effective public policies and strategies. The Directorate General of Planning and Studies developed this user-friendly policy and strategy development guideline to help managers to use modern, hands on methods, tools and techniques needed to increase the institutional effectiveness and efficiency through systems-wide improvement that can be sustained. This guideline provides self-directed learning covering the major issues in policy and strategy development. It is aimed for the planners and managers at various levels of any system who wish to improve their skills in navigating, developing and managing the policies and strategies. The planners and managers wish to understand how issue get onto policy agendas, how policy makers treat evidence and why some policy initiatives are implemented while other failed. The guideline describes a systematic stepwise approach to develop policies and strategies and simplifies the tasks according to the nature and context of the theme. I encourage the users of this guideline to be vigilant and receptive to adapt it according to their settings and circumstances.
National Reproductive Health Survey 2008 • Knowledge and attitude towards congenital anomalies and genetic disorders Survey
This publication of this report on Reproductive Health of Omani Women and Knowledge and Attitudes of Omanis towards Genetic Disorders and Congenital Anomalies. These two surveys were specific to Oman and were conducted along with to the World Health Survey conducted in the Sultanate of Oman in the year 2008. The survey on Reproductive Health of Omani Women rightly aimed to describe and define the Fertility patterns, Family planning use and unmet needs, Knowledge and Attitude of IUD use, maternal health care in the ever married Omani females from 15 to 49 years. Besides this, it studied the Child health and mortality issue. The survey findings reflect that despite the overall good health state of women and children in Oman, still there are many gaps such as low use of birth spacing methods particularly modern methods and increasing use of traditional methods, high unmet needs of FP for spacing/limiting, low KAP for IUD, relatively high fertility rates. There is also lack of awareness/counseling of complication of pregnancy. The prevalence rates of common child illness as fever, cough/pneumonia and gastroenteritis are comparatively high and coupled with very low optimum fluid and feeding practices for these childhood illness as reported by the mothers.
National Elderly Health Survey
This report was published on the reproductive health of Omani women and the knowledge and attitudes of Omanis towards genetic disorders and congenital malformations. These two issues were specific to the Sultanate of Oman and were conducted in conjunction with the World Health Survey conducted in Oman in 2008. The Omani women's reproductive health survey aims to describe and determine fertility patterns, use of family planning and unmet needs, knowledge and trends in needle use, and health care for single mothers aged 15 to 49 years. He also studied child health and mortality. The results of the survey show that despite the overall good health status of women and children in Oman, there are still many gaps, such as reduced use of spacing methods, in particular modern methods and increased use of traditional methods, high unmet needs for FP / IUD, relatively high fertility rates. There is also a lack of awareness / counseling of pregnancy complications. The prevalence of common childhood diseases such as fever, cough / pneumonia and gastroenteritis is relatively high, along with highly optimal fluids and feeding practices for childhood disease, as reported by mothers.
Facts and figures about Uniserial Health Coverage in the Sultanate of Oman
Uniserial Health Coverage (UHC) is defined WHO that all individuals and communities receive the health services they need without suffering financial hardship. It includes the full spectrum of essential, quality health services, from health promotion to prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and palliative care.
The tenth five-year plan for health development
In continuation of the sound approach adopted by the Ministry of Health in the field of strategic planning, which in turn leads to achieving the set and specified goals and objectives and in line with the synonymous results and successive achievements, the General Directorate of Planning and Studies, at the end of the first half of 2019, began working on preparing the general and integrated methodology for the five-year development plan. Health (2021-2025), accompanied in its work by the future outlook document (Health 2050)
No Information Available At The Moment
Contact Numbers and Locations
Al Khuwair Ministry of health – Main Building Second floor