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Al Wusta Governorate

Al Wusta Governorate

Al Wusta Governorate
The government keen to provide health care for citizens and residents in Al-Wusta Governorate and dissemination of health services to all villages and communities. and were created Directorate of Health Services province of Central in 1995 and serving four Wilayat , A Wilayat Haima and it has hospital and health center , either the Wilayat A' Duqum is available hospital in addition to two health centers and work is underway to create a new health center in the village of Dhaher. Wilayat Mahout availability of four health centers and work is underway to create a new hospital. Finally, Wilayat AlJazer has the hospital and three health centers.


Services Provided

Health Education

Health Education

Health education for government institutions and society, which oversees the training of health workers, medical orderlies and community health supporters, and provide the tools of health education as videos, posters, brochures and booklets that will help to educate the community.

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School Health

School Health

School Health, which provides a variety of services for school students and teaching staff. Which include the medical examination for students, and student awareness, and vaccinations, and evaluating the school environment (hygiene and drinking water), also includes the training of school health groups.

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Infectious Diseases & Epidemiology

Infectious Diseases & Epidemiology

Infectious diseases and epidemiology which include infection control and follow up of cases of infectious diseases and report them according to the policy of the Ministry of Health and the follow-up epidemiological investigation of cases of infectious diseases.

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Planning & Training

Planning & Training

Follow-up programs of the five-year planning of AL_Wosta governorate, and preparing reports for the various programs. Also provide technical advice with backed reports in respect of the governorate new projects.

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About Us

Ongoing Projects

No Information Available At The Moment

Future Projects

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Services List

Health Education

Health Education

Health education for government institutions and society, which oversees the training of health workers, medical orderlies and community health supporters, and provide the tools of health education as videos, posters, brochures and booklets that will help to educate the community.

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School Health

School Health

School Health, which provides a variety of services for school students and teaching staff. Which include the medical examination for students, and student awareness, and vaccinations, and evaluating the school environment (hygiene and drinking water), also includes the training of school health groups.

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Infectious Diseases & Epidemiology

Infectious Diseases & Epidemiology

Infectious diseases and epidemiology which include infection control and follow up of cases of infectious diseases and report them according to the policy of the Ministry of Health and the follow-up epidemiological investigation of cases of infectious diseases.

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Planning & Training

Planning & Training

Follow-up programs of the five-year planning of AL_Wosta governorate, and preparing reports for the various programs. Also provide technical advice with backed reports in respect of the governorate new projects.

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Content Resources

Al Wosta Maps

Al Wosta Regions Maps, it shows locations of the Wilayats.

No Information Available At The Moment

Contact Numbers and Locations


The site is located Directorate of Health Services Al-Wusta Governorate, the street that connects between Haima and A'Duqum, about 1 km from the filling station Petroleum (Shell) .

Opening Hours


The Supervisor Office of health services is located in the center of Mahoot Wilayat (in Haj city) behind the municipal building of Mahoot.

Opening Hours


The Supervisor Office of health services is located in the center of A'duqum Wilayat (Duqum City) behind Duqum Hospital.

Opening Hours


The Supervisor Office of health services is located in the center of Al-Jazer Wilayat (Al-Kahal City) in Complex of government buildings.

Opening Hours

Opening Hours
Closed - Show working hours
9:00 AM-1:00 PM
9:00 AM-1:00 PM
9:00 AM-1:00 PM
9:00 AM-1:00 PM

Office Numbers
Coordinator of the Directorate-extension
Health Affairs Section-office
Post and Decument Section-office
Planinig and Training Section-office
Nursing Section-office
Administration Section-office
Finance Section-office
Personal Affairs Section-office
Pharmacy and Medical Store-office
Information Technology-office
Fax Numbers
Main Fax of Directorate-fax
Opening Hours
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