Buraimi Governorate

The Directorate of Health Services of Al Buraimi Governorate was established by the ministerial act no. (107/2007). It supervises the provided health services in the governorate and the affiliated wilayats : Al Buraimi , Alsinunainah and mahdha. It also strives to achieve quality in therapeutic services to all the users of these services according to the available resources. It also implements a range of health awareness programs to build a health conscious community. In Providing the services, The Directorate depends on the Five-year Health plans under the supervision of Ministry of Health. The Directorate contains a number of Health and Administration departments that works together to provide a good quality health service to the public. The Directorate also seeks to build a strong relationship with society by the community events that aims to promote positive health behavior and to change or adjust some health styles and behavior in the society.
Services Provided
Health Programs
Health Programs
Directorate implement a group of Awareness programs in areas like: School Health , Health Education, communicable & non- communicable Disease Control
Read MoreExpatriates Examination
Expatriates Examination
Health Services office in Al Buraimi Governorate provides Expats Examination Service.
Read MoreAttestation of Sick Leaves
Attestation of Sick Leaves
Verification of Sick leaves certificates issued by private health institution.
Read MoreAbout Us

Ongoing Projects
No Information Available At The Moment
Future Projects
No Information Available At The Moment
Services List
Health Programs
Health Programs
Directorate implement a group of Awareness programs in areas like: School Health , Health Education, communicable & non- communicable Disease Control
Read MoreExpatriates Examination
Expatriates Examination
Health Services office in Al Buraimi Governorate provides Expats Examination Service.
Read MoreAttestation of Sick Leaves
Attestation of Sick Leaves
Verification of Sick leaves certificates issued by private health institution.
Read MoreContact Numbers and Locations
located next to Buraimi hospital