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The Ministry of Health aims to localize heart transplant services in the Sultanate of Oman.

20 August 2024

The Heart Transplant Technical Committee of the National Organ Transplant Program under the Ministry of Health held its first meeting today, chaired by His Excellency Dr. Hilal bin Ali Al Sabti, Minister of Health.

The meeting aimed to prepare for the commencement of heart transplant operations in the Sultanate of Oman, discussing the necessary medical and surgical equipment, as well as the human resources required to start this type of procedure. Additionally, the meeting focused on the establishment of national waiting lists for patients with heart failure.

Dr. Ahmed bin Saeed Al Busaidi, Director of the National Organ Transplant Program, explained that the preparations to localize heart transplant services are part of the state's efforts to enhance and develop the healthcare services provided to citizens, offering available means and solutions to save the lives of patients suffering from organ failure. This step is expected to significantly improve public health and the quality of life in the community.

He pointed out that this initiative brings hope to patients suffering from heart failure who are in need of heart transplants.

It is noteworthy that the National Organ Transplant Program has activated the option to donate hearts after death through the "Shifa" application provided by the Ministry of Health, as heart donation is only possible after death. The program also enables the donation of other organs posthumously by registering in the same program.


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