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Al Batinah South

Undersecretary of Health Affairs inaugurates expansion of Al-Awabi Health Center

21 October 2024

The Ministry of Health, represented by the Directorate General of Health Services in South Al Batinah Governorate, celebrated this Sunday morning the opening of the expansion of Al Awabi Health Center in the Wilayat of Al Awabi, under the patronage of His Excellency Dr. Saeed bin Hareb Al Lamki, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health for Health Affairs, in the presence of His Excellency Sheikh Dr. Hamoud bin Ali Al Marshoudi, Wali of Al Awabi, His Excellency Tariq bin Mohammed Al Kharousi, Member of the Shura Council, Representative of the Wilayat, Dr. Yousef bin Mohammed Al Farsi, Director General of the Directorate General of Health Services in South Al Batinah Governorate, members of the Municipal Council, sheikhs, elders and invitees.

The opening ceremony of the expansion began with a speech delivered by Dr. Yaqoub bin Suleiman Al-Luwaihi, Head of Al-Awabi Health Center, in which he explained the importance of this expansion in providing an optimal service to the citizens of this state and a development with the health services provided by the Ministry of Health. After that, His Excellency the sponsor of the occasion and the attendees toured the expansion departments and learned about the services provided in Al-Awabi Health Center.

This expansion comes within the framework of the government's efforts to enhance health services and meet the needs of the local community, and is considered an important step towards enhancing health services in the state.

The new expansion included the addition of health facilities represented by the expansion of (8) clinics in addition to two waiting rooms for men and women and restrooms for visitors. This expansion serves to provide an optimal health service of high quality to the recipient.

Among the services provided in the health center that will receive further support from the current expansion are the women and child health program, the immunization program, the elderly care program, health education and healthy nutrition, the expansion of doctors’ clinics and other important programs that will benefit from the current expansion, which contributes to improving the quality of services provided to patients. These expansions have also been equipped with the latest medical technologies, which allows doctors to provide accurate diagnoses and effective treatment.

The opening of the expansion of Al Awabi Health Center represents an important step towards achieving the goals of sustainable health development, and reflects the government’s commitment to providing comprehensive and distinguished healthcare to all members of society. This expansion is part of a broader strategy to improve the health infrastructure; it reflects the government’s commitment to providing comprehensive and integrated healthcare to all citizens. The opening of the expansion of Al Awabi Health Center represents an important achievement that reflects the efforts made to develop the health sector, and enhances the center’s ability to better meet the needs of citizens

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