Ministry Issues Health Facts Report 2015
The Ministry of Health (MOH) represented by the Department of Health Information & Statistics issued the annual report of the Health Facts 2015. The report includes the most significant vital statistics and indicators related to Healthcare institutions, utilization of Health Services, as well as the indicators regarding health manpower, and MOH Hospitalization and Outpatient Attendances.
The health report reflects the status of the health care services by demonstrating the health indicators outputs on the country’s health situation. It shows a 34.1 rise in the Crude Birth Rate as per 1000 Population while the Crude Death rate remains the same as in the past two years ( 2.9 per 1000 Population). The Omanis Life Expectancy at Birth reaches 74.2 years for males, and 78.8 years for females.
The report also shows enormous progress in the health services during 2015 as the number of MOH’s healthcare centers reaches 182 center. Besides, the number of the extended health centers reaches 23 in which they include specialized clinics offering secondary healthcare services on the outpatient clinic level. Moreover, the Ministry runs currently 49 hospitals distributed in the Sultanate’s Governorates equipped with total of 4998 beds.
Regarding the Health Manpower, the report shows that the total working doctors in the Sultanate reaches 8914 doctors (as per 10,000 population), 6393 of them are working under MOH. In addition, the MOH employment consists of 14675 nurses, 554 Pharmacists, and 358 Dentists.
Concerning the Communicable Diseases, the report indicates that the percentage of Measles and Tuberculosis (BCG) Immunization Coverage is 100%, and 99% Immunization Coverage against Acute Poliomyelitis (OPV-3), DPT-3( Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis), and Hepatitis B. As a result, the Sultanate was free of acute childhood Diseases for many consecutive years namely Poliomyelitis and Neonatal Tetanus. The Sultanate recorded 4 cases of Meningococcal infection and 126 cases of whooping cough. No cases of Measles and Rubella were recorded for two years.
Compared with the low communicable diseases morbidity rates, the report reveals that Non-communicable Diseases are in the top of the morbidity rates. For instance, based on the rates of MOH’s hospital discharges in 2015, the cases of Ischemic Heart diseases reached 13 case as per 10,000 population, 7 cases of Hypertensive diseases, and 9 cases of Diabetes Mellitus.