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Oman Hosts GCC Joint Committee Meeting for Healthy Cities

Oman Hosts GCC Joint Committee Meeting for Healthy Cities

Oman Hosts GCC Joint Committee Meeting for Healthy Cities

07 March 2023


The GCC 12th meeting of the Joint Committee for Healthy Cities began today (Tuesday) at the Mysk Al Mouj Hotel, which the Sultanate of Oman is hosting for two days.

The Department of Community Health Initiatives of the Ministry of Health organizes this meeting.

Members of the GCC Joint Committee for Healthy Cities from the GCC health ministries and Health Council are participating in the meeting.

The meeting program highlights a number of aspects, including the health-enhancing Mall initiative, which the GCC Ministers of Health Committee approved during the eighth meeting (October 2022)

The GCC unified guide for healthy cities will be approved; the Gulf strategic plan for the healthy cities program and building workers' capacity to apply the health cities program will be discussed during the meeting.

It is worth mentioning that all meeting participants will visit Sohar Healthy City to exchange expertise and experiences in applying for the Healthy Cities Programme.

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