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Services Catalog

Services Catalog

Post Arrival Medical Fitness Exam Service

The service of obtaining a medical examination form for workers, to complete the procedures for obtaining or renewing residency cards, obtaining a visa, or obtaining citizenship.

Pre-Arrival Medical Report Attestation Service

A service that facilitates the Pre-Arrival Medical Report Attestation to obtain a visa before arriving in the country.

Health Practitioners Registration e-Service

Registering and listing individuals who practice health professions in the medical, nursing, pharmacy and allied health from inside and outside the Sultanate of Oman who wish to work in the government and private healthcare institutions.

Medical Report Attestation

This service is concerned with approving the medical report issued by the private health institution for non visa purpose by the private health institution and allows the beneficiary to submit this report to the competent authorities inside and outside the Sultanate of Oman.

Renewal of Private Health Establishments Licenses

This service enables private health institutions to renew their licenses to ensure the continuity of the services they provide to patients and visitors.

eService Sick Leave Approval

This service enables citizens and residents to obtain an approved sick leave issued by the treating physician at the private health facility through the electronic health portal. This service allows this leave to be submitted to approved entities inside and outside the Sultanate of Oman.

Medical Practitioners License Renewal

This service allows health cadres in private health sector institutions to renew their professional licenses through the electronic health portal according to the procedures in place to enable them to continue providing their services to patients and visitors to their private health institutions.

eService Advertisement Permit

This service enables the private health institution to obtain a license for health advertisements about the services it provides to patients, in order to publish them on various social media.

Medical Report Attestation for Visa Purpose ( Change to Work Visa )

This service enables citizens and residents to obtain attested medical report issued by the Medical Fitness Center for the visa purpose

Apply for Pharmacy Establishment License

Apply for Pharmacy Establishment License This service enables Local Medical Device Establishment approval

Confirm Pharmacy License Application

Request to ensure that the site where the establishment is to be opened is ready for inspection

Renew Pharmacy License

Request to renew a pharmaceutical establishment

Request for License for dealing / trading Controlled Drugs

All doctor/pharmacist who work in private section before prescribing/dispensing narcotic or psychotropic medicines must apply to obtain dealing / trading license

Renewal of Controlled Drugs License

All doctor/pharmacist who work in private section before prescribing/dispensing narcotic or psychotropic medicines must apply to renew their dealing / trading license once it's expired.

Licensing the manufacture of drugs that contain narcotic drugs / psychotropic substances

All local Pharmaceutical establishments, who manufacture narcotics or psychotropic substances must apply for a license valid for one year.

Renewal of a license to manufacture drugs that contain narcotic drugs / psychotropic substances

Local manufacturers of items containing Narcotic/Psychotropic substances must renew their licenses annually.

Request for Controlled Drugs Import/Export

The applicant submit electronic request to obtain a permit to import Narcotic/Psychotropic substances via MOH e-portal

Report Lost/Damage narcotic or psychotropic

All lost/damaged narcotic or psychotropic items should be reported electronically via MOH portal

Request for Waste Disposal of Controlled Drugs

Request for Waste Disposal of Controlled Drugs (Psychotropic and Narcotic Substances)

Apply for Product Classification

This service allows the classification of products into pharmaceutical, herbal, health, medical device, banned, or not within the Directorate’s responsibilities, based on the active ingredients in the product’s formulation, the pharmaceutical dosage form, and the medical claims

Application for Import of Non Registered Drug

Import of non registered medicine for the private market and government hospitals

Clearance of medicine

Clearance of any medicine registered or not registered before reach country

Clearance /Release of medical devices and supplies

Issuance of approval for release and customs clearance

Request for registration of pharmaceutical product

Request for registration of pharmaceutical product

Re-registration of pharmaceutical product

Request for re-registration of pharmaceutical product after the expiry of the certificate

Variations that raises for the registered pharmaceutical products

Requests for the variations for registered pharmaceutical products

Request for Registration of Pharmaceutical Company

Request for Registration of Pharmaceutical company

Request of re-registration of pharmaceutical company

Request of re-registration of pharmaceutical company

Registered Pharmaceutical Company Variation

Registered Pharmaceutical Company Variation

Request for Registration of Herbal Medicine

herbal medicine registration

Request for Re-Registration of Herbal Medicine

Re-registration of herbal medicine

Request for Registration of Herbal company

Registration of Herbal companies

Request for Re-Registration of Herbal company

Re-Registration of Herbal companies

Application for variations to registered herbal companies

Applay for the variations for registered herbal companies

Request for Registration of health Products

Registration of health product

Submission of pharmacovigilance documents

Receiving Drug Safety Reports and other Pharmacovigilance Documents for Assessment

Application for activation of medical devices and supplies activity

This service enables the activation of selling medical devices and supplies.

Request for registration medical device and supplies Manufacturer

This service enables reviewing and evaluating applications for registering medical device and supplies manufacturers

Request for re-registration medical device and supplies Manufacturer

This service enables reviewing and evaluating applications for registering medical device and supplies manufacturers

Request for Registration of medical device

This service enables reviewing and evaluating of medical device requests

Request for Re-Registration of medical device

This service enables reviewing and evaluating of medical device requests

Request for Medical Device Variation

Request for Medical Device Variation

Request for non-registered medical devices

Import non -registered medical device

Appointment deliver system

This service enables supply companies to schedule appointments for the delivery of medical supplies, ensuring that deliveries are organized and made at the agreed-upon time.

Albarwa System

The correspondence system of the Ministry of Health which helps employees read, build and re-send correspondence according to the structure or established committees.

Ministry of Health Email

An electronic gate dedicated to providing safe and fast access to the private e-mail of Ministry of Health employees through this link

Ajyal System

Ajyal (Birth And Death Registration System) is an e-system that is developed to notify civil status centers of births or deaths occurring in hospitals and allows users to obtain birth and death certificates.

Ejada System

The Ejada system is one of the enablers of Oman Vision 2040 and is consistent with the objectives of the Ministry of Health to Improving the services provided by the Ministry and improving the efficiency of employees

Human Resource Management System (Mawrd)

A system that aims to complete administrative transactions by completing them in addition to many self-services: (vacations, resignation, transfer, salary voucher, official tasks, end of service, letter to whom it may concern, and other services).

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