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Apply for Pharmacy Establishment License

Apply for Pharmacy Establishment License

Service Provider

Drug Safety Center

Target Audience

Business owners 

Service Delivery Channels

E-Health portal

Service Completion Period

It depends on adhering to the requirements and employing employees of the Pharmaceutical Corporation


Apply for Pharmacy Establishment License


The location in which the establishment is to be opened

Terms and Conditions
  • Adherence to the conditions to open a pharmaceutical institution (available on the Ministry's website)
  • It could not be a partner in more than one pharmaceutical institution
  • That the owner or partner be Omani nationality and not less than the legal age
Fees Details

Scientific office 300 OMR / warehouse 450 OMR  / pharmacy 300 OMR / Consulting office 300 OMR / Factory 1500 OMR\ Quality Control Lab 600 OMR \Pharmaceutical Reserarch Center 600 OMR

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