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Health Advertisement Publishing Permit

Health Advertisement Publishing Permit

Service Provider

Directorate General of Private Health Establishment

Target Audience

Private Health Establishments 

Service Delivery Channels

E Health Portal

Service Completion Period

Same day


This service enables the private health institution to obtain a license for health advertisements about the services it provides to patients, in order to publish them on various social media.

Required Documents
  • Approval of discounts from the Ministry of Commerce in the event of submission of offers or discounts
  • The approval of the competent authorities in the event that an advertisement for medical devices is published
  • An undertaking to comply with the requirements of the Ministry of Health in the event of publication through social media activists.
Terms and Conditions
  • Approval must be obtained before publishing any advertisement in all means of communication, whether read, audio or visual. By submitting an application.
  • It is prohibited to publish an advertisement regarding any health institute its staff, the equipment it contains , or any service it provides without obtaining an approval of the General Directorate of Private Health Establishment .
  • The approval number must be clearly written on the advertisement upon publication.
  • The advertisement should not include images that violate public morals or words that offend public modesty, especially with regards to sexual and reproductive aspects.
  • The advertisement should not include words such as (the best, the newest, the first, ... or the only place that contains technology ... etc.)
  • When publishing an advertisement for medical devices, they must be approved by the competent authorities at the Ministry of Health
  • Accuracy and verification of the visiting doctors’ testimonies, titles and academic positions attributed to them should be taken into account when announcing them. There is no objection to mentioning the aspect related to the visiting doctor’s experiences.
  • It is prohibited to publish any advertisement that contains special offers or reduced prices without obtaining approval from the competent authorities (Ministry of Commerce, Consumer Protection) .
  • Social media activists must attach a letter of undertaking to comply with the requirements of the Ministry of Health in the event of an advertisement.
  • Internal advertisements in the health institution do not require approval, provided that the information mentioned is correct.
Fees Details

150 Omani Rials

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