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MOH News

02 October 2024

Oman First Conference on Healthy Cities Kicks Off in Salalah

02 October 2024

Oman First Conference on Healthy Cities Kicks Off in Salalah

30 September 2024

Health Ministry Leaders Meet Newly Appointed WHO Regional Director for Eastern Mediterranean

29 September 2024

World Pharmacists Day Marked

25 September 2024

Oman Hosts High Level Side-Event on Infection Prevention and Control and Antimicrobial Stewardship at UNGA79

25 September 2024

Muscat Health Observes World Pharmacy Day

23 September 2024

Oman Takes the Lead on Antimicrobial Resistance Meeting at UN Headquarters

18 September 2024

Dhofar Pharmaceutical Industries Factory Opens

17 September 2024

Health Celebrates 7th National and 6th Global Patient Safety Day

17 September 2024

Al Mazyouna Hospital in Dhofar Opened

16 September 2024

MOH & Nizwa University Sigh Agreement

12 September 2024

Health Launches New Service in Shifa App
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